5 tips to treating hair loss

Hair loss is a condition that most people dread. According to statistics, scientists found out that 50 percent of men and 30 percent of women in the US experience hair loss in some parts of their lives.

Doctors have found numerous causes of hair loss. Some result from poor diets, lack of certain minerals and vitamins, medications, hormones and genes, excessive styling, and so forth. Experts classify hair loss as either temporary or permanent.

For instance, temporary hair loss happens if a patient is undergoing chemotherapy, he or she will lose some of the hair on their head because of the strong medication he or she is taking. Nevertheless, the hair will grow back as soon as the patient completes the chemotherapy.


Hair is essential to our body because it keeps us warm and attractive. Take time to read this article to discover tips that treat hair loss.


  1. Consume a better diet

Most people do not look after their diet. Good food will not just fill your stomach. It does more than that.

Digested food gets into the blood, which is distributed to different parts of the body. The supplements within the food assist in developing cells, and growth of different parts of your body.

The hair follicle is part of a protein known as keratin. Therefore, if you experience hair loss, start treating it with some good food. Include sweet potatoes, onion juice, spinach, carrots and eggs into your diet.


  1. Say goodbye to certain shampoos


Some hair loss problems result from using excessive chemicals on your hair.

Additionally, blow dryers, and styling tools are harmful to your head, especially if you have a dry scalp. Experts will advocate that users should avoid certain chemicals because of the effects they bring to your hair.

Lean on natural homemade remedies to solve this problem. Avocados, coconut milk, aloe vera, are excellent examples of treatments you should have in mind.

You can also look for regrowth shampoos at Hairlossable by Andrea. In this website, you will find all the shampoos that your hair needs to grow back within a few weeks of use.


  1. Fall in love with the sun

One constituent that hair contains is vitamin D. Vitamin D not only strengthens our bones but also develops hair.

Most people do not know this truth. Exposing your head to the sun in the morning or evening hours provides enough vitamin D for our hair. Doctors also say that stress is a catalyst for hair loss. While you rest under the sun, you will be able to clear your head because the sun is a stress reliever.


  1.  Exercise and meditation

Exercise is good for our bodies. In addition to that, it has massive effects on how our hair grows. Take walks, jogs, or even go to the gym.

Yoga and meditation is also an essential remedy for your hair.


  1. Take medication

Some medications slow down hair growth. On the other side, medical scientists then developed drugs to counter this process. The pill ensures that the remaining hair is still healthy and prevents other losses. Some of the medications to take include Rogaine, Propecia, spironolactone, and hair transplantation.

During hair transplants, the doctor will take some skin that contains active follicles and move them to the bald section.



Both men and women should take care of their hair. People who have much hair loss go for tattoos and wigs. Therefore, it is crucial, and you will look more healthy. Women should avoid too much styling as it weakens the hair sometimes.

For people under medication such as chemotherapy,take these pills to control hair loss or bring back the lost glory.