Category Archives: you are good enough

You Are Good Enough!

You Are Good Enough!!!!Debz over at Wannabe Princess  decided to start a blog challenge for Plus Size blogger to get involved in a small movement that originated here at Smile and Spread the Word.
I really like this idea as it is a message that I like to send with my blog so I definitely wanted to get involved.
I am good enough and so are you!
This is something I have learned over time and I am at an age where I can say this and mean it…Its a wonderful feeling!

We were also asked to talk about a body part that that we really like… I chose my face… I am really happy with face, more specifically my skin, I used to have really bad skin and hated my face without makeup.
So in the spirit of being good enough I am bombarding you all with pic of me with no makeup on at all and no filters. This is something that I would have never have done a couple of years ago and now I am very happy to share my bare face!!!!


Ladies… what makes you feel good enough????